Contemporary English A-M

Contemporary English

The study of Contemporary English develops students’ literacy ability to become effective users of language and producers of texts. It focuses on developing reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. The focus of Contemporary English A/M is the literacy skills students will require in employment and post-college life.


The study of Contemporary English develops students’ literacy ability to become effective users of language and producers of texts. It focuses on developing reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.

The focus of Contemporary English A/M is the literacy skills students will require in employment and post-college life. These literacy skills are aligned with Level 3 of the Australian Course Skills Framework, which was developed by the Australian Government in consultation with employer and industry groups.

Students explore how language and texts influence their personal identity and perception of the world through creating their own imaginative, interpretative, analytical and practical texts in different modes and mediums. They reflect on themselves as members of society and as world citizens.

Framework and Achievement Standards

The Contemporary English course is written under The ENGLISH Framework 2021: BSSS ENGLISH Framework

Achievement Standards for ENGLISH courses can be found within the Framework.

The study of English language, literacy and literature develops students’ communication, analytical, creative and critical thinking skills in all language modes.


Unit 1: Contemporary English

This unit focuses on students comprehending and responding to the ideas and information presented in texts drawn from a range of contexts. Students are taught a variety of strategies to assist comprehension. They read, view and listen to texts to connect, interpret, and visualise ideas. They learn how to respond personally and logically to texts, by questioning and determining the importance of content and structure. The unit considers how organisational features of texts help the audience to understand the text. Students learn to interact with others in everyday and other contexts. Emphasis is placed on the communication of ideas and information both accurately and imaginatively through a range of modes. Students apply their understanding of language through the creation of texts for different purposes in real or imagined contexts.

Unit 2: Contemporary English

This unit focuses on students comprehending and responding to the ideas and information presented in texts drawn from a range of contexts. Students are taught a variety of strategies to assist comprehension. They read, view and listen to texts to connect, interpret, and visualise ideas. They learn how to respond personally and logically to texts, by questioning and determining the importance of content and structure. The unit considers how organisational features of texts help the audience to understand the text. Students learn to interact with others in everyday and other contexts. Emphasis is placed on the communication of ideas and information both accurately and imaginatively through a range of modes. Students apply their understanding of language through the creation of texts for different purposes in real or imagined contexts.

Unit 3: Contemporary English

This unit focuses on students comprehending and responding to the ideas and information presented in texts drawn from a range of contexts. Students are taught a variety of strategies to assist comprehension. They read, view and listen to texts to connect, interpret, and visualise ideas. They learn how to respond personally and logically to texts, by questioning and determining the importance of content and structure. The unit considers how organisational features of texts help the audience to understand the text. Students learn to interact with others in everyday and other contexts. Emphasis is placed on the communication of ideas and information both accurately and imaginatively through a range of modes. Students apply their understanding of language through the creation of texts for different purposes in real or imagined contexts.

Unit 4: Contemporary English

This unit focuses on students comprehending and responding to the ideas and information presented in texts drawn from a range of contexts. Students are taught a variety of strategies to assist comprehension. They read, view and listen to texts to connect, interpret, and visualise ideas. They learn how to respond personally and logically to texts, by questioning and determining the importance of content and structure. The unit considers how organisational features of texts help the audience to understand the text. Students learn to interact with others in everyday and other contexts. Emphasis is placed on the communication of ideas and information both accurately and imaginatively through a range of modes. Students apply their understanding of language through the creation of texts for different purposes in real or imagined contexts.

Course Document